Location: Mumbai/Bangalore/kochi, MAH/KAR/Ker, India

jack of all trades, master of a few. Love to explore something new

Saturday, March 11, 2006

cartoons hai hai..!

The recent furore over the danish cartoons making fun of the prophet sure has caught a lot of media attn..
And why not... muslims all over the world have reacted strongly to it..
right here in UP.. an imam has placed a bounty of 50 lakhs on the poor cartoonist's head..!!!

to date, all i knew was that the cartoons had made fun of the prophet muhammed.. but no newspaper or new channel dared show the cartoons..

understandably, when recently a friend fwded the same to me.. i finally found out wat the issue was all about.
well.. honestly the cartoons were not funny at all.. and i really cant understand why the editor even consented to publishing the same.

but leave tat aside, wat interested me was tat when i fwded the same to a few more friends.. i was surprised by the no of replies to my mail saying how could i fwd somethin like tat.. and to be very careful and not fwd stuff like tat etc etc..

I find such behaviour extremely disturbing for 2 reasons:
1. my intention for fwdin the same.. was not to poke fun.. but to make my friends aware as to wat was the exact nature of the cartoons.
2. like the majority, im unaware of the unwritten law that islam doesnt allow pictorial depictions of the prophet muhammed in any form watsoever.

that being said.. it just brought another question to my mind..why is it that in general i find my muslim friends to be the most fanatically protective abt their way of life and religion than lets say my christian/ hindu/ sikh friend?
does the inherent insecurity that most followers of islam possess.. have anythin to do with the fact tat in most countries the muslim population is indeed a minority.

watever be the reason.. i just hope this issue.. coupled with the recent blast at the SankatMochan temple in Varanasi doesnt snowball into another religious riot.
globally speaking too... the cartoon issue has managed to unite muslims wordwide in protest against this atrocity..and if not handled deftly.. can lead to a formal war bw the islamic world and the west. already the stage is set for a potential showdown.. Hamas is the ruling party in palestine.. Iran is being subjected to ridiculous regulations by uncle Sam...egypt mite be facing a civil unrest, and i wont be suprised if the radical arab brotherhood comes to power there too..the cartoons mite just be the spark to blow wide open this volatile atmosphere...and if it does...things are as bad as it can get for the islamic world..
Islam indeed has nothing to loose ..

PS- i AM against the cartoons.. i support the protests.. BUT i condemn the extreme measures tat have been adopted in protest by some sections of the society.

3 Your take:

Blogger Shaunak said...

Rahul Nair, I used to think that you had balls. Itsy bitsy teeny weeny ones (or so Yatin told me), but they existed.
Now I see that you have none.

Why do you need to qualify your arguments with the last sentence about you being against the cartoons?

"well.. honestly the cartoons were not funny at all.. and i really cant understand why the editor even consented to publishing the same."

Two of them were funny! Hillarious!

"does the inherent insecurity that most followers of islam possess.. have anythin to do with the fact tat in most countries the muslim population is indeed a minority."

No. They're in a majority in ...
S Arabia

And I'm sure I missed a few.

"like the majority, im unaware of the unwritten law that islam doesnt allow pictorial depictions of the prophet muhammed in any form watsoever."

I understand that it is islamic law. But I am not a muslim. Why should I follow it?

Hindus are forbidden from hurting a cow. But muslims butcher cows on their religious festivals. I have no beef with that (pun intended) I don't expect them to follow my religion's rules. Why should I give a fuck about theirs?

" Hamas is the ruling party in palestine"

Palestine is a slum. They don't matter on the international arena.

" Iran is being subjected to ridiculous regulations by uncle Sam"

They aren't ridiculous and they haven't been imposed by the US. They have been imposed by the IAEA which is an international organisation which has stood up to the US time and again.
And the restrictions are there because the Iranians obtained centrifuges used for making bombs clandestinely from AQ Khan.
Big mistake.

"Islam indeed has nothing to loose .."

It has everything to lose.
The Arabs will lose the money they get from oil. Which will lead to their grip on their people slipping.
The US and EU already have bases in Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkmeinistan.
Curtains for Iran.
Israel takes Palestine out.
And Egypt and Jordan too (they've done it before - read the israeli history)
Islam has shitloads to lose.
This is just posturing by the fanatics.
They won't do anything to upset status quo.

Shruti, go to wikipedia and read up on Piss Christ for an idea of what the US considers freedom of expression.
Then read up on Salman rushdie and what happened to his publishers, translators etc.

Big difference between the responses.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Mayank said...

didn't know u wrote about serious issues as well!

3:31 AM  
Blogger rahul nair said...

1.wasnt justifyin.. i honestly dint find them funny!
2. when i said in "most" countries.. statistically i was correct.. of the 190 odd countries..only 20-25 odd countries have a majority islamic population.
3.just becuz every1 else pees on a electric fence.. im sure i wud def NOT do it. so ur argument tat we shudnt respect islamic sentiments just cuz they dont.. doesnt stand.
4.Iran may have resorted to illegal means but wats the reason for tat in the first place? and wats wrong with a country striving for nuclear self sufficiency? intervention is necessary if nuclear bombs come intop the picture.. but otherwise.. IAEA has no biz dictating terms..
and pls.. IAEA only recommends.. who enforces..? UN...n who runs the UN like as though its my father in law's dowry ..Uncle Sam.
case rested.
i still maintain islam has nuthin to loose.. cuz % wise..the islamic population in the gulf is nuthin compared to tat in rest of the world. n the protest is not run by those kings n thousands of corrupt princes n bastards..its a common man.. tats already very much repressed.. do u have any idea how bad a situation the common man is in in those very same oil rich countries..??
this cud well have been the spark for a rebellion!

neways.. its all over now.. public memory is indeed short.. n the controversy has died. so this debate is pointless as of now.

7:12 PM  

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